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WriteImpactful Over Rates

Quickly and easily hire the perfect writer for your project on WriteImpactful, at almost any budget.

Competitive Pricing from Experienced Writers

The pricing for writing services is determined by the writer and may vary depending on the length of the script and its intended purpose. Our skilled writers establish their own rates based on their experience and the specific demands of the project. To receive quotations from writers for your project, simply post a free job listing.

How Much Do Freelance Writers Make? 

Category Rate per hour Rate per Word (Beginner) Rate per Word (Intermediate) Rate per Word (Experienced) Rate per Project (Long-Form)
Average Freelance Writer

Average Freelance Writer Rates

While we discussed the average rates for general freelance writing, here’s a more detailed breakdown of the average rates for various writing niches.

Freelance Copywriter Rates

According to Zip Recruiter, the average freelance copywriter rate is $37 per hour or $77,000 in the United States, and the top earners pull in about $136,000 annually. This data is specifically for direct response copywriters, so the copy they write is usually sales letters or landing pages for offers like supplements or ebooks. 

Freelance Social Media Writing Rates

The average social media writer rate is $25 to $40 per hour or about $1 to $10 per social media post. In the United States, the average social media writer makes $76,000 annually or about $37 per hour.

Freelance Blog Writer Rates

The average freelance blog writer charges between $15 and $40 per hour, though technical writers typically charge between $20 and $45 per hour.

showed that beginners charge about $20 per hour, intermediate writers charge $41 per hour, and expert-level writers charge $85 per hour.

According to ZipRecruiter, the average freelance blog writer in the United States charges $29 per hour and earns nearly $61,000 per year, with top earners pulling in $156,000 annually.

Freelance Copywriter Rates

According to Zip Recruiter, the average freelance copywriter rate is $37 per hour or $77,000 in the United States, and the top earners pull in about $136,000 annually. This data is specifically for direct response copywriters, so the copy they write is usually sales letters or landing pages for offers like supplements or ebooks. 

Freelance Email Writer

Freelance email writers usually charge between $25 to $50 for shorter emails and $150 to $500 for longer emails. However, many email writers operate strictly on retainers and charge about $1,200 for 15 emails (about $300 per week). 

The average salary to hire an email copywriter full-time is about $77,000 per year or $37 per hour.

Freelance Journalist Rates

The average freelance journalist charges $25 per hour and earns about $52,737 annually in the United States. The top freelance journalists earn around $81,500 per year. 

SEO Writing Rates

The average SEO writing rate ranges from $15 to $35 per hour, and the average SEO copywriter’s salary in the United States is about $77,000 or $37 per hour. 

Freelance Ghostwriting Rates

Most freelance ghostwriters charge between $35 and $65 per hour. However, freelance ghostwriting rates range dramatically as about 52% make between $39,500 and $62,499, while about 46% earn over $199,000 annually. 

Freelance Writing Pricing Models

As you can see, there are various pricing models you can use. Many new writers don’t realize that the pricing model you select significantly impacts your total income. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each one to help you choose the most advantageous pricing model for your business.

Pricing Per Word

Only about 18% of freelance writers price their services by word count. The per-word rate is somewhat disadvantageous to clients as it’s easy for a freelance content writer to add more fluff to the article to earn more money.

Therefore, you may find it more challenging to close potential clients if you’re using a pricing-per-word model. The other disadvantage of this model is that it doesn’t account for revisions. As a result, you may do a lot of extra work for no additional pay. 

Pricing Per Post

Charging a set project rate is the most popular pricing strategy, with about 40% of all freelancers charging a flat fee for their services.

It’s advantageous for clients because they know exactly how much to budget for each project, and they don’t have to worry about freelance writers adding fluff to the post just to earn more for the article. 

Project pricing is also advantageous for freelancers as it gives you more creative freedom to add or eliminate words as necessary. The key to pricing per project is clearly defining the writing project scope beforehand so that clients don’t request multiple revisions and drag out the project.    

Pricing Per Hour

Charging an hourly rate benefits freelancers as you can always rest assured that you’ll be paid for every hour you work. However, many clients prefer to pay a flat fee or a price per word as it’s easy for a freelance writer to make up a random number of hours. 

Instead, estimate the number of hours a project will require and then pitch the client a flat rate based on the project scope.


Retainer Pricing  

Finally, you can offer a retainer agreement where the client pays a monthly recurring fee for a specific deliverable. For example, you could charge $3,000 per month for four 1,500 word blog posts. This is an excellent pricing model as it gives you regular recurring income. 

It adds more risk to the client, so closing them on this pricing model may be more difficult. However, if you consistently deliver great work, it is usually highly advantageous for both parties.


Managed Services

If your project is complex, or you simply don’t have the time, WriteImpactful offers Managed Services and we’ll complete the project for you:

Source the most qualified Professional Writer

Coordinate all project details with the various stakeholders

Support with NDAs, contracts, and other legal or vendor requirements

Manage translation and localization

Contact us for a quote to speak with one of our experts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

WriteImpactful writer rates show the average cost you will pay for various types of writing service. The rates are based on real data from successfully completed jobs. This will provide a guideline of how to set your budget. Talent will also provide you with what they see as a fair rate for their job. To get a sense of how talent price jobs similar to yours, you can check out the Writer Packages to see projects priced and packaged by the talent themselves. 
The WriteImpactful rate guide is established based on real data we see on our site. Each number provided is the average cost of similar jobs successfully completed on our platform. How you price your job will depend on what you’re looking for. If you price higher, you will get more experienced writers who are willing to do more; a lower price point will give you more novice writers. We strongly encourage you to find a more accurate price point by completing the job form. Based on the information you provide you will be prompted with a recommended budget range before posting.
WriteImpactful provides a versatile pricing range, giving you the freedom to select any amount between $5 and $10,000 for writing services. The total cost may be influenced by factors such as the length of your project and the expertise of the writer. For detailed information on WriteImpactful's pricing, please refer to our informative pricing page. 
Various factors play a crucial role in determining the cost of a writing job. Key contributors include:1. Length/word count: The longer the writing project, the higher the associated cost.
2. Usage: The intended use of the written content significantly influences the overall cost.
3. Experience: Seasoned writers often command higher prices compared to newer writers.
4. Revisions: The number of revisions required for the project contributes to the overall cost.Similar to other industries, the pricing of writing services is influenced by external factors like inflation, economic conditions, and demand. For more detailed insights into your specific project, you can communicate with your chosen writer or explore Talent Packages to understand how writers price similar jobs.

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