Write impactful

What is WriteMatch™️?

For writers, consider WriteMatch™, WriteImpactful' exclusive matching algorithm designed to connect clients with the most suitable talent for their projects, and to align talent with jobs that complement their skills.

WriteMatch™ evaluates multiple factors, including a writer's profile, samples of their work, their engagement history on the platform, and their success in securing specific types of writing assignments.

How Does WriteMatch™ Work?

Commence by thoroughly completing your profile and uploading high-quality samples, ensuring they include the maximum number of accurate tags. This establishes a robust foundation and aids WriteMatch™ in comprehending your skill set. It’s essential to have a minimum of one sample for each writing skill, though having more is highly recommended. Check your MyHome dashboard to identify any missing information in your profile.

As you respond to jobs and achieve steps like being shortlisted, WriteMatch™ builds up a picture, rewarding quality effort and engagement, and sends you jobs that you have the best chance of being hired for. Respond to the jobs you have the skill to do well, follow artistic direction carefully, and ensure you provide a quality submission every time. Even before you book your first job, your activity helps WriteMatch™ learn which jobs you’re most interested in and suited to win.

You’ll build up a performance history on WriteImpactful, which comprises various factors such as your past interactions with clients and the characteristics of jobs for which you’ve been particularly successful in booking or getting shortlisted. WriteMatch™ continues to construct a profile and delivers the most fitting opportunities to you—those where you have the highest probability of securing success. This establishes a track record of accomplishments, laying the groundwork for future success.

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Frequently Asked Questions

WriteMatchTM is WriteImpactful' proprietary matching algorithm that matches clients with the most qualified talent for their jobs and matches talent with the jobs best-suited to their skills. 

WriteMatchTM takes into account a variety of factors, from your profile and samples to the history of your engagement on the platform and how successful you’ve been booking particular types of jobs.
The WriteMatchTM score is simply one element that shows how closely your skills fit the job attributes of the posted job.

Talent tell us that the following are the most important things to look at when prioritizing job invitations: Budget, Private or Public invitation, how many responses the job has, the sample script, etc. The WriteMatchTM score can certainly help to inform you, but it shouldn’t be your main deciding factor when prioritising  your responses. The most important thing for clients when reviewing responses is how quickly your response is submitted, the quality of your samples, and how closely you fit what the client is looking for.To get the most from the WriteImpactful platform, make sure your profile is filled out fully and that you have uploaded quality files, which are all tagged correctly. This helps WriteMatchTM understand your skill set.

As you respond to jobs and achieve steps like being shortlisted, WriteMatchTM builds up a picture, rewarding quality effort and engagement, and sends you jobs that you have the best chance of being hired for. You want to be wise in how you respond to job invites, responding to the jobs you have the skill to do well, following the artistic direction carefully, and ensuring you provide a quality audition every time. 
Talent tell us that the following are the most important things to look at when prioritizing job invitations: Budget, Private or Public invitation, how many responses the job has, the sample script, etc.

It’s good to think about what you view as the most important and come up with a system that works well for you. 
To optimize your experience on WriteImpactful and increase job invitations, consider the following:1. Ensure your Writer profile is complete with quality files, each tagged accurately. This helps WriteMatch™ understand your skill set. Each sample can have up to 10 tags for Style and 5 tags for Role. Selecting as many tags as possible is recommended.2. Respond strategically to job invites, focusing on opportunities aligned with your skills. As you achieve milestones like being shortlisted, WriteMatch™ learns from your engagement, sending you jobs where you have the best chance of success. Respond thoughtfully, follow artistic direction carefully, and deliver a quality audition each time.Upgrade your subscription for additional benefits and increased visibility on WriteImpactful. To edit files and add more tags, navigate to your Write profile, click "Me" in the top right, select "Edit Profile," then click on "Write" below your profile picture. Access the "Files" tab, click "Edit File," and fill in additional tags. Save your edits to ensure your profile reflects the latest changes.
WriteMatchTM takes into account a variety of factors, from your profile and files to the history of your engagement on the platform and how successful you’ve been booking particular types of jobs. It’s a complex system, and it does mean that sometimes two people with similar profiles will not get the exact same job invitations every time. 
Clients typically post far fewer jobs over the weekend, so it’s common to see fewer job invitations on those days.

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